Friday, March 26, 2010

Trials and Tribulations




Yes, that about sums up my feelings over this last week.  I can't seem to get the weight to go down.  Since the weather's been nicer, I've been walking more, and doing the bike at night.  But still, the weight will not go below 260. I know, I KNOW that if I can just get to see 25something I will be motivated to keep going.  But this constantly shifting back and forth between 260 and 263 is just obnoxious.

Yes yes, i know, everybody tells me to not worry about two or three pound shifts, they're normal.  But when i can't get past them?  Ugghh.


I just once need to see it go below 260. 

Also, squats are the devil. DEVIL.  I keep trying them, and I keep crying because of how bad my knees are.  But! I did do some crunches tonight, and other than my pelvic bone in my back digging into the floor in a very painful manner (i guess this is why they use mats?) it went well.  Felt a bit weird laying on my back, my knees raised up and spread, doing crunches, and then lifting my legs straight up, crunch, and the spreading my legs wide, and crunch. 

I tried very hard to not think suggestively about that, but it was difficult as i was laying there with my legs spread to the world and crunching up with my head.  But! I did feel a little bit of a burn in my stomach.  Maybe all I need to get my back to not hurt is to get one of those squishy yoga mat things. 

Anybody have any recommendations for exercises that don't need your knees? I need low impact, high reward stuff here.  That doesn't involved bending the knees.

I hit a bad spot the other night, and I had almost convinced myself that I wasn't going to be able to make it, or do it, and that I should just give up and stay fat forever.  But then the guys in IRC made it better, they talked me up and out.  thanks guys. You know who you are.  <3<3

Right, off to stretch out in bed, and contemplate what to do tomorrow as it's raining. 

Oh! I am going to try and grow things!

I bought seeds for an herb garden (sage, thyme, basil, cilantro, parsely) and some hyacinths and lilys and forget-me-nots!  I want to see if I can manage to NOT kill things.  if I can succeed at this, then maybe when I get to kiwiland, I can start a small herb/veg garden where we live.  Just in containers and such.  For healthy living!! and things.

I hope it stops raining in the evening so that I can go take my walk. 


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