Friday, March 12, 2010

A List of Motivations


I have come to realize that the picture over there, as motivating as it is, is not just quite enough. 

So, I have decide to make a list of motivations to keep myself going.  I was going to add them as a tabbed page on my blog, but I'm apparently too stupid to figure that one out on my own, so whatever.

So, here is my List of Motivations, with a few notes added in on the side.

Motivation Numbah One! (numbah one!):  Health
Yes, this is an important motivation.  My father has Diabetes, his mother had diabetes.  My mother had breast cancer when she was younger than I am right now and my father's mother died from complications of breast cancer.  My father has also had cancer.  Add into that my problems with my joints and the arthritis and my mom's heart disease and you get all sorts of Health reasons to lose weight.

Motivation Numbah Two! (numbah two!): Beauty
Alright, so it's vanity.  Who cares?  I do.  Yes, I get told I'm pretty. Yes, I've even been told that I'm beautiful.  Yes, I get told often that I look great the way that I am.  And yes, I've been told that how I look doesn't factor into the way he feels about me.  And yes, I've even been told that I can still turn him on, no matter that I think that I look like a beached albino whale.  And I even partly believe him, and others,when they say that I'm pretty.  But you know what?  I know that I can be prettier.  At least physically.  I want to know that when i'm told i'm pretty or beautiful, that I really am.

Motivation Numbah Three! (numbah two point five!): Vanity
So this kinda ties in with Beauty, but it's a bit different.  I want to not only be told I'm beautiful, but the truly vain part of me wants to be able to walk down a street or into a room and have men's eyes follow me, have girlfriends smack their boyfriends, and have lesbians breathe just a little bit harder from my presence.  Do I think in reality that i will ever in a million years achieve this level of Sex Goddess?  Nope!  But That Doesn't mean I can't try. 

Motivation Numbah Four! (numbah three!):  Dancing
Alright, enough of the over-reaching generic ideas.  Let's get specific.  I want to dance.  I want to dance with my Kiwi and make the world go away.  I want to samba and tango and rumba and mambo and swing dance like there's no tomorrow.  And I want to do it without fear of my joints grinding together and wearing completely down.  I want to dance without worrying about other people watching.  I want to dance without worrying about whether I look like the Michelin man in a skirt.  Or a colorful blob of jello that got dropped onto the dance floor.

Motivation Numbah Five! (numbah...four?): Sex
Why try to hide it? Sex is an important motivation. Not just the flexibility that will come from not having a Nascar regulation tire around my middle, but also increased pleasure.  Ever wonder why porn stars make all that noise?  Well sure, the majority of them are acting, but the amateurs do it cause of sensation.  And they're all skinny.  Also, the mechanics involved in sexual intercourse change dramatically when it's physically possible to be  picked up and pressed into a wall by the man you love.  Not that I know for sure.  But I'm guessing that this is so, and therefore I want that to be a possibility so I lose the weight. 

Motivation Numbah Six! (numbah what?):  That Movie Scene
Yes.  you know that one.  It's been done and done and overdone so many times.  Boy and girl miss each other.  Boy and girl see each other after long separation. Boy and Girl start to run to each other, as the slow motion begins and the music starts.  And they run and they run and they meet in the middle and boy lifts girl into his arms and they spin around amid a crowd of blurry other people and then Boy sets girl down onto her feet as they kiss hello.  Sappy? Hell yes.  Romantic? Yes. Trite and overdone? Yes. Do I care? No. Do I want it? Oh Hell Yes. 

Motivation Numbah Seven! (you can't count): Airplanes
Ok, so this one seems like it's out there, right? What the hell do airplanes have to do with weight loss?  Have you ever been in the situation where you had to ask the flight attendant for a seatbelt extender?  have you?  You haven't?  Then you don't understand this one and probably won't.  There is nothing in this world more embarassing (there probably is, but go with it for the moment) than asking a stewardess to get you a belt extender cause you're too damned fat to buckle the seat belt around your hips.  Or, you do the stupid thing that I did, which was fly all the way from Maine to Houston without a seatbelt on.  This should not happen.  And if I lose the weight it won't happen.

Motivation Numbah Eight1 (it should be seven): Children
No. I don't have them.  maybe I do want them.  But if I did have children in the future, I do not want them to have a fat mommy.  Cause "Yo momma so fat" jokes are just horrible.  And should not be inflicted on any child.  My kids (eventual or otherwise) will have enough troubles being Jewish (and if they're mine and the kiwi's jewish and Asian) that having a fat momma is just not fair.  Plus, I want to be able to run with my kids, take them outside and play. And chase them on their bicycles after we take the training wheels off. 

I'm sure that there are more.  But, I can't get to them just yet.  My brain stopped working. But I'll think of more later.  Now, it's bedtime.  Weigh-in tomorrow morning.  Eek.

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