Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So, there is something that popped into my head today that is going to change the world.  Or at least my world.

The best, single thing, inspiration for losing weight?

Granny panties.

You know what I mean.  The big white (or other color) cotton underwear that cover every inch of the female genitalia and leave nothing nothing nothing visible or even imagination inducing at all.  Granny Panties.  The kinda underwear that only your mother, your grandmother, and your fat cousin wear.  Or me.  Because I am fat. 

Until recently shopping at Fashion Bug, I was unaware that they made underwear for people with my size ass that was even remotely sexy. And yes, I bought some.  And yes, damn I look sexy in them.  But this have given me both hope and pause. If I can look this good in underwear now, why lose weight?  And then I realize, when I get skinnier, i can get BETTER underwear.  It's like leveling up in a vidja game or something.

Ahava has defeated Grannypanticus! 
Ahava has earned  -15 libs!
Ahava has gained: New sexy panties! (can be equipped in town after resting)

So, if I just think about this as a vidja game... I will get horribly horribly bored and not want to do it anymore.  That is a horrible analogy.  Horrible.  We will forget that I even referred to my weight loss as a video game. I will geek out over things, but not that.  At least, not in that fashion. 

I know, I know, I'm losing nerdpoints. I'm sorry! 

Alright, back on topic.  Which was granny panties.  Now, I will admit, when I'm menstruating, I will still wear my granny panties.  Why? because they're comfortable, and when I'm miserable because my insides are falling out and I'm not dying, a little comfort is more important than being sexy.  Also, if I have an accident for some reason, i would rather ruin a pair of cheap granny panties than sexy panties.

But, that is a bit more than anybody really wanted, so I'll stop with that line of thought and move on to details.

I have figured out that on a full shift as a cashier, I walk approx 3 miles a day.  Granted, that doesn't really count towards much since it's not all at once and it's a slower pace than actually exerwalking.  But, there it is.  I've started doing crunches. Sami, a flyboy friend of mine, is giving me pointers on how best to do them to maximize my benefit.  I figured out that tonight i was able to hit 35 crunches in a minute.  It hurt like a bitch, but i did it.

Tonight, I also did 20 minutes in Wii sports with the baseball and tennis, as well as boxing.  And another 20 minutes on the stationary bike.  I really need to get a better exercise soundtrack.  But I must say, "Blue Monday" by Orgy is like, an awesome song for me to ride the bike to.  It gets my legs moving and my heart rate going. 

Also, dancing at work is fun and enjoyable and I do not understand why most people don't do it. 

I got told by a coworker that I act younger than 28.  She said I act around 21 or 22.  But mostly because I'm always so cheerful and happy and bubbling. She didn't believe me that I was 28.  I had to show her my license.  Ugggh.  I'm almost getting tired of that. 

Right, I think that's enough for tonight.  To the skinny me in not granny panties!

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