Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Passover started at sundown tonight.  I've always thought that passover would be an awesome time to start a diet.  Especially a low carb diet.  Without being allowed to have any leavened bread products, it makes it easy to just keep that kinda thing up.  Make it brown rice instead of white rice as your main grain, and it should be easy, right?

It used to be harder before, when all I could really afford was pasta.  But now that I'm at home, I've been eating so much less noodles and bread and pasta that it should be easier this year.  So maybe this will be my time, maybe I will use this holy week to thrust myself forward on the healthy food thing!

So, what is this passover thing?  Eh, I don't feel like explaining it.  There's wikipedia, you go figure it out.  But there are no leavened bread products in my future for the next week.  No bread, cereals, noodles, crackers, cookies, anything that might have a poofing agent in it, can't have.

But!  I can eat matzah and rice and other things.  So there will be fantastic rice dishes coming up for me!  So I hope!  Also, matzah brie!  Which is essentially scrambled eggs with matzah. It sounds gross, it looks worse, it's so good and simple.  and good. 

Well, it's off to bed for me.  I will complain about exercising later.

1 comment:

  1. Is Happy Passover correct to say? If it is, Happy Passover!

    I had to giggle at "poofing agent".. hehehe.

    I use polenta instead of pasta a lot these days. Maybe that can be an extra alternative this week?

    Have a good one!
