Thursday, February 18, 2010

day Thirteen


I have made the decision to NOT keep putting up the weights every day.  It's just way too depressing and not motivating at all.  So the weights will go up on Friday, just like on my chart on my wall. 

that being said

Breakfast: BLT
snack: Luna Chocolate Peppermint bar
Lunch: grapes, cheddar cheese, 1 Arnolds Sandwich Thins
Snack: n/a
Dinner: Zatarains ShrimpAlfredo
Snack: Cottage Cheese and Apple Butter

Exercise:  Arm reps and 30 minutes on the bike.

General:  Why is it that all of the Danskin Now Workout clothing that we sell at walmart doesn't come any higher than a size 20?  I mean.  Really?  I cannot fit my fat ass into a size 20 pair of pants.  No matter how stretchy the material is. 

Also, 1800 calories a day is HARD.  I feel like I'm constantly eating. There is no way that this can be helping.  And yet, I remember back to Jenny Craig, and I remember saying the same thing then, and I lost thirty pounds doing that. 

I need to get off the front end at work.  I have got to get back onto the sales floor.  This standing in one spot is just not helping me at all.  At least when they put me on Self Checkout, I can do some stretches.  But uggghhhh One spot for 8 hours a day. It's just not worth it.  I need to get to the floor, where I can move around, I can lift things, and actually WORK. 

I also need to get my bike out of the garage.  I don't care about the snow on the ground. I need to get outside and do the exercising.  The fresh air.  Need something different.  I am not going to quit.  I am not going to quit.

I persevered through the nicotine.  I can do that with this as well.   I WILL DO THIS!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya about wanting to get outside! I'm hoping to get out on Saturday for a few hours!

    I found this website (, and it looks like they may have some workout clothes for you.

    You're doing great!
